Menzel. Painter on Paper, Kupferstichkabinett Berlin


The exhibition currently open on Kulturforum showcases around 100 works of Adolph Menzel, who was one of the most prominent German painters of the 19th century.

Exhibited works include pieces done in watercolour, pastels, gouache etc. It is the most extensive exhibition of Menzel’s paintings on paper to date.

The space is divided into chapters chronologically presenting the works based on the various techniques used, which is wonderful as you get to see the progression in his artistry.

I really liked the exhibition, especially the female portraits and delicate fabric depictions. I wouldn’t mind having one of them on my wall, and that is something I rarely think upon seeing an artwork. They give a sense of intimacy, as if there should be only one viewer at a time, they all feel very personal.


Another subject which I loved were cloudy skies. The mood set in those paintings stirs emotions and makes you ponder.


I highly recommend this exhibition as it is a great little collection of pieces that bring incredible artistry to the front and inspire even the most artistically challenged among us (myself).


Accompanying the exhibition are Menzel’s etchings exhibited alongside his greatest inspiration – Rembrandt, in on of the rooms of Gemäldegalerie.

The exhibition is open until 19th January, and for more photos please check out the Instagram page 🙂






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